
(and best viewed with Google's Chrome)
pipeline temporarily disabled
Welcome to the 'processing' panel, the interface to the ARResT/Interrogate pipeline.

Log in if you have an account, or ask an administrator (for public 'stations' use to create one for you.

If you're interested in processing data from EuroClonality-NGS SOPs for marker identification and clonality assessment, after you log in with a suitable account, switch to 'EC-NGS' (EuroClonality-NGS) user modes (top-left corner).
set sample cells

drag and drop files
select existing or create new analysis
use this to manage user files (data and results) stored on the server

use this to directly select ARResT results stored on the server - need to log in for user-specific storage

use this to upload results created by (.intrg) or saved through (.Rbin) ARResT

use this to upload one or more IMGT/HighV-QUEST summary files, which will be processed by us to make them compatible with ARResT/Interrogate

use this to upload any tab-delimited table with any number of columns but at least two on top of the required 'sample' and 'size' columns - see example

use this to directly select ARResT results stored on the server - need to log in for user-specific storage



run description
PCR steps
sequencing kit
protocol modifications


select|combine feature types {A}|{B}


filter by
filter top
features per sample





   click sample-sample for feature diffs


select  polyclonal  sample(s)
set sample|feature cluster thres

tips and notes

not all functionalities may be available in all 'user modes'
NOTE: color-code: yellow = lowly abundant features ~ blue = highly abundant features ~ grey = missing features     TIP: left-click to select cell(s)     NOTE: (pre-)filtered features are not selectable    

TIP: left-click and drag to zoom-in     TIP: left-click on feature in legend to show/hide them     TIP: left-click on a line to (un)highlight it    

TIP: combine two feature types to plot their shared abundance     NOTE: feature type {B}, if selected, is sorted by abundance     TIP: left-click and drag to zoom-in     TIP: left-click on feature in legend to show/hide them     NOTE: deselecting 'show (pre-)filtered out counts' disables sorting by junction aa length     TIP: 'drill down to feature type' [advanced] and click on a bar to see its fragmentation to that feature type     TIP: 'show differences to sample/group' [advanced] works nicely with bars     TIP: clicking on bars will send some feature types to 'forensics'    

NOTE: feature type {B}, if selected, is sorted alphanumericallye     NOTE: cells with faint X mean that the feature (combo) is either missing from the data or is (pre-)filtered out     NOTE: each sample's bubble is always at the same relative place in each cell     TIP: combine two feature types to plot their shared abundance     TIP: left-click and drag to zoom-in     TIP: left-click on sample names in the legend to show/hide them     NOTE: deselecting samples in the legend doesn't affect working table    

TIP: left-click to select cells     TIP: left-click and drag to zoom-in     TIP: double-click to zoom-out     TIP: you can transpose (swap axes of) the feature-based heatmaps     TIP: you can control colouring ranges     TIP: you can control clustering thresholds    

NOTEred/orange-coloured axes indicate uninformative principal components, i.e. treat with caution     NOTE: features are coloured yellow-blue by (mean) abundance     TIP: left-click and drag to select dots     TIP: area of selection can be resized and moved     TIP: left-click out of the selection area to cancel it     NOTE: selected features/samples are listed under the plots


× Nothing to show - use the 'file' panel to select and load existing results or the 'processing' panel to create them.
You can edit some of the fields by clicking on them - not all fields are editable.
You can resize columns by dragging their boundaries.
filters: Text fields use search engine logic i.e. looking for fields containing all words (whole or partial). Use "|" or "||" to indicate OR, "-word" to exclude "word". E.g. "rat | bat -cat" will include "rat control" and "big bat" but not "cat catches rat" or "dog is happy". Numeric fields use logical expressions and operators (<, >, <=, >=, !=, and, or, not) and even functions (abs(), log(), floor(), ceil()). Use "x" as a placeholder !, e.g. "x > 5 and x < 10" keeps values between 5 and 10, while "log(x) > 2" values with natural logarithm greater than 2.


Full nucleotide sequences can be retrieved and analysed here, when relevant feature types are selected (e.g. clonotypes, junctions) and their features clicked in 'questions' - in which case 'forensics' is highlighted. There's also a special mode with (auto-)traced clones, if appl. Clicking retrieved sequences selects them for download, network analysis, tests.

set reference sequence range


network quick-guide, tips, notes

Each circle (node) is a unique sequence with >=1 reads, each edge is >=1 sequence differences. There are also virtual (vrt) nodes with 0 reads.
Concept behind network: maximise distance between unrelated sequences, minimise distance between related ones.
Line width represents connection strength, i.e. wide line = strong sequence connection (short distance, strong relatedness), thin line = weak / fragile connection.
Line colour can represent several different things, sequence distance by default (blue = low, red = high).
Some nodes can be visually distant (with many edges to the root), but still closer than others visually close -> use 'color by distance'.
Grey circles and lines are beyond the current distance threshold, see 'sequence selection' drop-down menu.
Network processing order: (pre-absorption during pipeline,) distance filter, junction class filter, absorption filter, normalization.
Sequences (both active and filtered) might change size when the filter slider is moved, because they are first filtered then absorbed, and absorption is done seperately on active and filtered sequences.
Setting distance to filter before creating network will not help you: creating network will (re)calculate threshold and even move the slider.
You should expect coloured/active circles after blue (=virtual) circles, but not grey/yellow.
In general, 'set as clone'->'new' does clone spliting, 'set as clone'->[clone id] does clone merging.
Each root is initially assigned to one clone and one color, but you can split it into more clones with 'set as clone'->'new'. In case of tracers, this will also affect 'questions', since a clone tag will be added to the tracer name, and abundances will also change.
If you set a selected sequence as a new clone, all sequences closer to your selected sequence than to the root will also be assigned to that clone.
set as clone'->'new' will not reassign clones assigned to other tracer sequences. Use 'set as clone'->[clone id] to reassign those.
Initially, you may see circles of different colours. These are sequences within the filtering distance (thus coloured) but also closer to some other root (e.g. tracer) and therefore assign to another clone by default.
Clones of other tracer sequences are listed in the table under a black line and are not divided into samples. Therefore they don't show relative values.

sort sequences by
[index] distance
reference & aligned sequences

Welcome to the reporting panel!
cell type